"The Detroit areas most interesting used guitar-stringed instrument shop"


more ACOUSTIC & Stencil-Collectable's

Don't forget,,,,  we repair and do COMPLETE set ups on these instruments & make them look and sound like NEW!!!

$30.00 & up!

We have the POOR MAN's DOBROS in every$$$ range!Type your paragraph here.

ACOUSTICS! ALL sizes NEW & USED  $69.95 up!!

UKES'NEW & USED!!LOTS of them!!!

$39.95 up with bag & picks!!

Don't forget,,, we do completer guitar setups, cleaning-restring-minor repairs etc. sometimes same day or even while you wait!!!  1-248-546-7447

That's a baby TAYLOR on the floor mint $250.00 w/bag.  The dobros are a 1996 mint WASHBURN and a FENDER electric both roundnecks in the $500.00 range.

Acoustic electrics right above and a batch of good clean NEW looking everyday acoustics on the right $69.95 up!!

Met John Denver back in the late 80's.  Special ordered and delivered him a box of  strings.  Cool guy.